On-Site Structured Synchronous High School Program
The On-Site Structured Synchronous Program at IvyTech has been designed to streamline the high school educational experience with poignant learning opportunities. The onsite portion of the program runs three consecutive days a week and offers students access to a welcoming facility equipped with some of the latest technologies. The teachers and their classes enhance the learning experience with opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and utilization of technological tools. Students learn pertinent life skills and develop the grit to overcome adversity as they explore topics through Inquiry Learning and complete projects and discover solutions through the Design Thinking Process. The hybrid program fulfills A-G and NCAA graduation requirements while giving learners an integrated, cross-curricular approach to education and preparation for the adult world.
The coursework for the hybrid program is designed in such a way as to provide the lion share of instruction and keystone learning experiences onsite while providing materials for assessment, remediation, extension, and exploration through the online learning system. The depth and breadth of the learning opportunities at IvyTech will appeal to the most ardent learner while the supportive environment and structure of the school is designed to help all students equitably improve themselves no matter how much they’ve struggled in the past. With small learning cohorts, students receive bountiful amounts of individualized attention in each of their classes. Space for this program is limited and thus demands that students regularly attend onsite meetings and participate in onsite activities.
The On-Site Structured Synchronous program at IvyTech is an ideal learning environment for students that have struggled in overstuffed traditional classrooms and are looking for more of a personalized learning experience.
IvyTech’s Hybrid High School Program provides:
All of the individualized attention provided in the Independent Study Program (see program)
On-site core subject and elective classes with credentialed teachers
Small class sizes
One-to-One device assignment so each student has their own Chromebook for class participation and school work completion​